Relief from shoulder pain & injuries
The shoulder is the most mobile joint in the human body, capable of complete 360-degree rotation. Such capability also makes the shoulder more susceptible to injury caused by arthritis, bursitis, tendonitis, torn cartilage or rotator cuff tear, swollen bursa or tendons, pinched nerves, bone spurs, broken bones, dislocations or frozen shoulder (adhesive capsulitis) – conditions that drastically reduce your range of motion.
If you have general, mild shoulder pain, you can adjust your activities, take OTC nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and perform mild stretches to see if the pain improves on its own. If you have shoulder pain that does not resolve either by itself or with simple home remedies such as mild exercise or stretching, and it lasts longer than a few weeks, you should seek medical attention. Our physical therapists know how to treat shoulder pain and injuries caused by work, sports or trauma.
You’re more likely to have problems with your shoulders as you grow older, especially after age 60. This is caused by age-related degeneration of soft tissues surrounding the shoulder. Athletes also experience a large number of shoulder injuries, especially overhead-throwing athletes such as football, basketball, baseball and volleyball players, who frequently experience dislocations and rotator cuff injuries from overuse and trauma.
Schedule an appointment by calling our office at 847.432.4077 (Highland Park) or using our Request an Appointment form. We also welcome patients from Fort Sheridan, Deerfield and neighboring areas.